Daily Archives: May 28, 2014

Cost of living update

So, I keep seeing people say how expensive Costa Rica is still. What I am going to do is blog each day how much I spend and on what and where I got it. It is my hope to be able to spend less than $2K next month for myself and my wife. Now we are on a special diet and the food is expensive. So I will include it but also show how much we spent without it as well. I eat at 6 am breakfast (diet package), 9 am morning snack (diet package), 12 pm lunch is 2 cups veggies and diet package or 8 oz of protein in place of a diet package, 3 pm afternoon snack (diet package), 6 pm dinner is either 8 oz of protein and 2 cups of veggies or if I had protein for lunch its a diet package instead of the protein, 9 pm evening snack (diet package). This is why I will in the final amount show both with and without the diet food. Hopefully I can get this done under budget. We will see. 🙂

Pura Vida!


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